Schedule Appearances
Sew Easy, Sew Fast, Sew Beautiful with Jill McCloy–
- A nationally known sewing expert who has given seminars at national conventions for domestic and international students
- A recognized designer who has done pieces for museum shows and national sewing magazines
- An accomplished and loved sewing instructor
Creativity Unleashed!
Jill’s passion for designing quilts knows no bounds. With a knack for crafting unique pieces that are tailor-made for specific venues, she has become a go-to artist for guilds and shops across multiple states. Each of her exquisite quilts becomes a cherished pattern, lovingly added to her ever-growing collection.
Step into Jill’s world and explore her diverse range of captivating classes:
Quilts, Fashion, Heirloom Sewing, Dolls, Sewing Machine Accessory Feet, Embroidery Software, And more!
Discover our Diverse Range of Classes
Jill takes pride in offering a vast selection of classes that will captivate your interests and satisfy your learning desires. With her expertise, she can also curate personalized classes designed exclusively for you, taking into account your location, preferences, and specific requirements. Get ready to embark on an exciting journey of knowledge and growth with Jill’s unparalleled variety of classes.
Hands on Classes:
Embellished Grandmother’s Fan: 4 hours
The Grandmother’s Fan Quilt is a traditional block created with untraditional techniques. The quilt is a continuing favorite of both experienced and beginning quilters alike.
Pretty Quick Pillow Case: 2 hours
Pretty Quick class projects teach a variety of embellishment techniques and machine arts, from accessory feet to wing needle appliqué to perfect top stitching.
Dragonfly Moon Quilt: 4 hours
“Dragonfly Moon” was designed for an exhibition at the La Connor Quilt Museum in Washington.
More Hands On Classes:
- Heirloom Shadow Appliqué Pillow: 4 hours
- More Than Crazy, A Great Shirt Class: 1 day
- Heirloom Boudoir Gifts: 4 hours
- Heirloom Needle Roll: 4 hours
- Heirloom Angel\Bride Doll: 2 days
- Heirloom Shirt: 2 days
- Antique Tea Towel: 3 hours
- Serger Kimono: 3 hours
- Hobo Bag, Quilted Tote: 4 hours
- Crazy Quilted Trinket Box: 4 hours
- Tucked Sampler Shirt: 1 day
- Doll Making (choice of dolls): 1 day
- Morning Glory Shadow Appliqué: 4 hours
- Creativity, Confidence, & You, The Vest Le Bag: 4 hours
- The Designer Touch: 3 hours
- Tucked Night Gown: 4 hours
- Ft. Myer’s Bag: 3 hours
- Heirloom Trinket Safe: 1 day
- Embellished Serger Jacket: 1 day
- Zippers, Zippers, Zippers: 3 hours
A Sampling of Available Programs, Seminars and Trunk Shows, 2 hours:
- Elegant Embellishments Pretty Quick!
- Heirloom Techniques, Tradition and Beyond
- Creativity, Confidence and You
- The Embellished Quilt, Uniquely
- You Serging Simplified
- Dolls: Easy Techniques for the Fun of It
- Integrated Embroidery
- Fancy Foot Work
- Lace, Linens and Lingerie
- Fashion,Fit and Fabric